Wednesday, September 24, 2014

I'm back!

Well, I've taken a bit of a break. Life has been hectic! 

We've been dealing with braces pain and headaches with Selah. 
That's Selah. 

We've also started hormone shots for Elijah, my youngest. AKA superhero. 

That's Elijah. 

We've been planning Benjamin's birthday, too. 
He's about to turn 7. 

I've been dealing with thyroid problems. 

(Picture not available due to almost 20 pounds gained). 

Michael's lost weight. 
That's my hunky husband. 

And I've gotten a new Neice. 
Isn't Kinsley a cutie pie? 

Anyway, I'm back, with new stuff on the horizon. Home school is back in session, I'm writing a cook book, I am writing some e-books, I'm helping my husband start his own blog, I'm working on an online business, and there's even more than that! I just can't remember it all!

So, check in daily to see what's new!!